
Monday, February 14, 2011

My Dog...A Heartbeat at My Feet

Dogs are miracles with paws

Sammi my little Dachshund has been with me for almost 8 years. She has been with me through the good times and the bad. Sammi has been with me in the lowest and darkest times of my life when no one else was there. One of the great things I love about Sammi is that she has always been able to read me so well. If I am sad, she cuddles, If I am happy she celebrates, If I am mad she stays away. She always knows when I just need a cuddle, and there is no other that I would rather cuddle with. About a week before my first surgery in December I noticed that Sammi was hurting, and not moving well, as the days passed by she slowly lost the ability to use her back legs. It broke my heart watching her dragging herself across the floor. I took her to the vet hoping for the best, but discovered the worst. For an unknown reason, Sammi was permanently paralyzed. My heart was broken and while dealing with my own health issues I continued to care for her the best I could. Ignoring the comments from those who do not understand the love between a dog and her owner, (those who thought I should have her put to sleep) I looked into getting her a wheel chair. I had heard about dog chairs before, but did not know much about them or how they worked. I found a great gentleman in Prineville who makes customized wheel chairs for dogs. A week after she was paralyzed, Sammi was in her new wheel chair and learning to adjust. She now uses it when she plays outside, but has become very well at scooting around the house and she even occasionally gets up on her back legs and moves them, I am praying that the therapy with the wheel chair is helping her get the use of her back legs again, however not getting my hopes up as to not be disappointed. Three weeks ago, it was brought to my attention that Sammi was not responding well to sight, as I continued to watch her and do my own tests, I have determined that she is now at least partially blind. I have not had the opportunity to take her to the vet to look at options as my own health has not yet allowed that. What I do know, is that Sammi is very happy, she hears my voice and gets excited, she runs and barks in her wheel chair, and she still snuggles with me when she knows I need to be snuggled. Unless you have truly experienced the love of a dog and what they can bring into your life, you will not understand the great hurdles and sacrifices a person will go through to keep their pet safe and happy. Don't judge me for making the decisions that I have made by keeping Sammi alive and enjoying her companionship, no one but me and her will understand our relationship the decisions I make. Sammi is very happy, loves to play, loves to cuddle and loves to go bye bye. Until the Lord decides it is time for her to go I will continue to do whatever it takes to keep her happy and comfortable.

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