
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Linus: On Halloween night, the Great Pumpkin rises from his pumpkin
  patch and flies through the air with his bag of toys to all the

Today we went to the pumpkin patch. Luckily the clouds separated just long enough to enjoy the festivities. When we first arrived it was nice to see that it was not too crowded, do doubt the less than desirable weather was a big help. Walking in I was immediately drawn to the pony rides. The little ponies were so wet from all the rain, yet appeared to be enjoying the attention they were receiving from little children riding them and on lookers as well. I then walked over to the corn maze, although I had no desire to enter the maze, it was a nice opportunity to take a few pictures, as well as take the moment to think about how they can possibly design this huge maze and the work that went into it. We then went over to some old tractors and admired the humor of pumpkins sitting on the tractors, no doubt just waiting for someone to take their picture. I found several areas around the barn that were inviting me to make my camera useful. After visiting the harvest market, which there was a bountiful amount of all types of squash, pumpkins, and harvest seasonings, I made my way to the petting zoo. Although I had no desire to go into the zoo, it was fun to stand by the fence and watch the children and animals mingle together. There was a very cute little goat, which wanted everyone’s full attention.  I also found a rooster and a couple chickens that decided to befriend us and follow us for a while. Over the trees and across the bridge the inevitable was awaiting me, the great pumpkin patch. As I made my way to the field full of every size and color of pumpkins, I took the opportunity to watch the kiddy train pass by. Full of smiling children and parents pretending to enjoy themselves, I was brought back to a time when my kids were little, and they enjoyed participating in such opportunities as well. We finally made it to the pumpkins, as I watched eager children pick out their prize pumpkins, I heard a lady behind me tell her kids that the rule was that if they picked a pumpkin better than hers then they had to give their pumpkin to her. Not really a fair rule if you ask me. My rule at the pumpkin patch was to always be sure to pick a pumpkin that was not too heavy for you to carry back to the car yourself, as I was not going to hall your pumpkin for you. Once I realized that I did not really want a pumpkin of my own, but more to just enjoy the festivities of the pumpkin patch, I decided to start the journey back to the car through the kids train trail, over the bridge, past the barn, stopped to see the ducks, one last look at the animals, gazed across the lawn to the harvest store one last time. I then recognized the aroma that was enticing the air. Kettle Corn! We stopped briefly to get some kettle corn, and slowly walked back to the car reflecting on all that we saw. It was a great day, and I truly enjoyed my time at the pumpkin patch today.

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