
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Jelly Beans

“You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by the way he eats jelly beans.”
Ronald Regan

I was beginning to think that I have already started to fail at my blogging journey, as my mind has been blank for 2 days as to what I should write about. I now believe that I have been trying to hard to think of something that people would enjoy reading and not find boring. I then remembered that I am not trying to impress anyone; I simply want to put my thoughts down so I can look back at a later time and reflect. Therefore I should be writing about what I am thinking about, rather than what I feel others would want to read.

A few days ago I went to Costco with the sole purpose of purchasing a big jug of Jelly Belly's. I saw someone else with a jar, so I thought I wanted a jar too. Now that I stop and look back to that day, I realize I made a bad decision. I don't even like Jelly Beans! This jar that consists of 49 different flavors, only has 5 flavors, that I even consider semi good tasting. If I were so set on purchasing Jelly Beans, and knowing I don't like them, would it not have been better for me to simply go to the grocery store and purchase a small package of only the flavors I like?

Just a thought that has crossed my mind this evening…


  1. I only like the fruity ones and even some of those. The peach one is my favorite, but I hate the rest too. At candy stores you can get each flavor individually, so I usually go there and just get peach.

  2. I eat them all, not a bad flavor in the jar!
