
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Comfort Food

"Food is the most primitive form of comfort"

What is your comfort food? I have a few favorites. Although they seem almost to be seasonal. Around the holidays my favorite food is Chex Mix. My chex mix is usually kind of of boring, I don't like nuts or pretzels in it. It makes me feel good and reminds me of spending time with my mom during Thanksgiving and Christmas. When I am alone in the evening, I occasionally enjoy Macaroni and Cheese. I remember when I was a child coming home from school, my mom usually at work. I would cook some Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and sit in front of the TV and watch Little House on the Prairie, Wonder Woman, and CHiP's. When it is cold I love oatmeal for breakfast, and tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. (Of course dipping the grilled cheese into the soup) Around my birthday I love to have fried chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy, corn under my gravy on top of my potatoes. My mom always let me choose my birthday dinner and it was always chicken. Nothing beats a good barbeque in the summer with homemade macaroni salad. I occasionally enjoy a good Tuna fish sandwich. This was the last thing I made for my mother before she died, every time I eat one, I think of her. Hmmm looking back at this post, I see that all foods that I see as comfort foods are foods that remind me of my mom... I miss her.


  1. That's interesting. I think I've read that before, that comfort foods usually remind you of your mom, and that Macaroni and Cheese is on most people's comfort food lists. At the moment I can't think of any comfort foods that I have, except potato chips, and those don't remind me of a single person I know. My tastes have changed so much over the last year that perhaps those foods that I did think of as comfort foods before just don't bring me comfort anymore. Not sure if that's a sad thing or a happy thing.

  2. Oh, and I prefer Chex Mix with just the chex please. I give all the other stuff to my kids. I keep saying that one of these days I'll make a big batch of Chex Mix with only chex in it!
